Sughra Begum Policy Center
PEP Foundation has established the Sughra Begum Center for Education Policy and Development (SuBCEPAD) and the Pakistan Education Council (PEC) at Punjab University.
PEC is established for national advocacy of the enhancement of accessibility and quality of education in Pakistan. This advocacy is carried out by organizing an annual education forum, symposia, workshops and a public relations campaign on issues researched by students and faculty of SubCEPAD and other institutions in Pakistan and overseas.
SuBCEPAD is committed to enroll graduate students in M.Phil and Ph.D. degree programs in the area of education policy planning.
The center will also facilitate the efforts of government and higher education institutions in this field by:
- organizing workshops, symposia and training
- gathering data and research
- serving as a national resource to both public and private educational institutions as well as the provincial and federal governments
SuBCEPAD will work closely with the Pakistan Education Council (PEC) to connect, coordinate and facilitate the efforts of educational institutions, organizations interested in education, and individuals to seek major improvements in the quality and accessibility of education in Pakistan.
Sughra Begum